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About Campus Adventures

Campus Adventures is a specialized adventure tour operator in Ecuador, established since 1999. Trekking, mountaineering, mountain biking, as well as cultural tours, community tourism and Galapagos programs are their main products.

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About Ecuador

Ecuador is the smallest Andean country in Latin America. Located between Colombia and Peru, where the equator line crosses all 4 regions of the country: The unique Galapagos Archipelago, the undiscovered Pacific coast, the high scenery Andean highlands and the pristine Amazon basin. This friendly country is mega-diverse and absolutely worth a visit.

It is a multi-cultural and multi-ethnic country defined by a majority of mestizos but also indigenous, a small group of Afro-Ecuadorian, and white people. The country has a population of approx. 18 million habitants. The climate varies a lot and is mostly determined by altitude but also by its region. It is recommended to bring clothing you can wear in layers.

Most Ecuadoreans practice catholicism, followed by protestants, Jehova`s and other religions. Celebrations and folkloric festivals are very popular in the country such as Carnival, Inti Raymi, Mama Negra and New Year’s Eve. In all parts of the country, the local gastronomy is excellent with authentic dishes varying from potato soup, ceviche’s, seafood, and all kind of fresh fruits and vegetables.


The largest historic center in all of South America, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. One of the two gates to the Galapagos.


Favorite city of foreigners for its authenticity, gastronomic diversity and well-preserved architecture.


This region comprises the largest number of species in the world, with an infinity of insects, hundreds of types of birds, mammals and reptiles. Home to more than 2/3 of the world’s biodiversity and the greatest biodiversity per square meter on the continent.


Unique indigenous region. Authentic, colorful. It is also located in a beautiful region full of colonial haciendas and plantation of roses exported throughout the world.


The town of fun, adventure, waterfalls, hiking, biking, and hot springs.

Galapagos Islands

A destination like no other. World-renowned, unique, preserved, aquatic adventure, unique flora and fauna.

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