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About ODS Turkey

ODS Turkey is a leading Destination Management Company based in Istanbul and serving all destinations in Turkey.

Levent Gursoy

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Did you know this fact?

Did you know that Turkey is home to the world’s oldest known temple? Göbekli Tepe, located in southeastern Turkey, dates back to around 9600 BCE, predating Stonehenge by about 6,000 years. This ancient site challenges our understanding of early human civilization and offers a fascinating glimpse into the lives of our distant ancestors.

About Turkey

Turkey – just the name itself conjures up visions of oriental splendour, mystery, and intrigue. This was the meeting point of the world’s three great civilizations; Roman, Byzantine, and Ottoman. Turkey was the nucleus of the 1,000 years Byzantine Empire with its capital established at Constantinople, now Istanbul. It was here too, that early Christianity first took root, to be replaced with the advent of Islam, first under the Arabs, then under the Seljuk Turks and the Ottoman Turks.

Imagine yourself in a country with more classical ruins than Greece, more monuments of Islam than Arabia, and more churches than Rome. But Turkey is not all history. Turkey offers you seas, mountain ranges, high plateaus, and fertile river valleys – an excellent destination for lovers of nature.

Moreover, today’s Turkey is a safe, modern country with a booming economy. Her cities with their glittering shopping facilities, business towers, and an unparalleled combination of historical sights, state-of-the-art conference facilities, and world-class hotels make it the ideal destination for exciting and memorable concepts of incentive programs including team building ideas, meetings, and congresses.


The one and only crossroads of Eastern and Western culture, it unites hidden history as the capital of three Empires, world-famous Turkish cuisine, Ottoman style Shopping (Grand Bazaar & Spice Market), and a world-renowned nightlife.


The land of beautiful horses, unique accommodation opportunities in cave hotels, well-known local wines, famed as carpet-weaving and known for hot-air balloon experiences over the fairy chimneys.


A world-renowned rock-climbing spot with impressive waterfalls, a fascinating theme park consisting of adventure park and aqua park, rafting and jeep safari opportunities, and the mysteries of the sunken city.


Considered the “St. Tropez of Turkey” the city has gained the reputation as the centre of the Turkish art community with its lively, friendly and Bohemian atmosphere and many small galleries.


The first capital of the Ottoman Empire. It is well known for thermal baths in and around the city but also homeland to the very famous Turkish folklore shadow puppet show. The nearby Uldudag is the largest and most celebrated winter-sports and skiing centre in Turkey.


The area around the Dardanelles is full of history, both ancient and modern. It has always been a crossing point of invading armies for centuries, the legendary story of the Trojan wars took place here but also the Battle of Çanakkale during the 1st World War.


With the ruined city of ancient Ephesus, a UNESCO world heritage site. Kusadasi is known for its lively downtown, rich history, fun night life, broad sandy beaches, and top class restaurants. The nearby humble village of Şirince is famed for local fruit wines.


Where one can find world-class ski resorts, shopping-centre-lined streets, but also Lake Tortum just around the corner. Discover the “Oltu” stone, a specific semi-precious local black stone carved in the area from which various forms of jewellery and rosary beads are made of.


The natural healing hidden in Anatolia. The region varies from the World-famous Pamukkale travertines to thermal springs, and is protected by the UNESCO.

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