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About Indo Asia Tours

With longstanding experience and knowledge of destination management of the Indian subcontinent and neighbouring countries, Indo Asia Tours amalgamates the professionalism of large scale operations, while keeping the intimacy of a boutique travel firm.

Lalit Atrish

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Did you know this fact?

India is home to the mysterious floating islands of Loktak Lake in Manipur. These unique phumdis, or floating biomass, are made up of decomposed vegetation and soil, held together by intertwined roots. The largest phumdi, named Keibul Lamjao, hosts the endangered Sangai deer, making it the only floating national park in the world. This natural wonder showcases India’s rich biodiversity and ecological resilience.

About India

A country that is replete with a variety of experiences – historical, adventurous, steeped in culture and tradition, full of natural wonders – a traveler cannot ignore India. India offers more than the traveler can imagine, from graceful architectural delights to dense wild forests and local interactions. Unraveling the mysteries of India is sure to leave an everlasting imprint on your mind. India’s vast length and breadth make it impossible to understand the many subtle nuances and differences in cultures. Each city has its rhythm and thrum – whether it’s the capital city of Delhi, the bustling historic Bhopal, Rajasthan’s wonders steeped in legends, or Southern India’s low-key towns wedged in a time-warp. The cities of India reflect the breathless growth of the nation –you are likely to find both modern and vintage aspects seamlessly blending.

India is dotted with destinations that one can mark as ‘iconic.’ Apart from the Taj Mahal, India has a robust list that one possibly cannot tick off in one single trip. The list includes topographical stalwarts like caves and hanging tree root bridges, ancient temples rife with history, and forts that hang high from craggy cliff tops. The iconic destinations of India are something that a traveler should mark out before planning a trip to India. Many of them leave you with a feeling that you might have visited heaven on earth. One can only imagine the number of outdoor experiences that India offers with its vast and vibrant topography. From coffee and tea estates to rolling hillsides, below the ocean scuba specific wonders, snow-capped mountains, surfing beaches, calm lakes, and forested trails, there is never a shortage of experiences that the country can offer. Pick from a vast repository of adventure, heritage, and local experiences to amplify your trip. Be in the fold of competent instructors and guides to choose the best trails and experiences that make you see India through vivid filters.
Think of the festivals of India as a unique opportunity to be immersed in local traditions and age-old customs – no better way to get oriented to a new place. Religious symbolism apart, expect a flourish of colors, dance, music, and food as a part of many festivals in India. Apart from the more prominent festivals like Diwali (festival of lights) and Holi (festival of colors), take a peek into tribal festivals of India. The amalgamation of the old and the new at these places is sure to fill your trip with wonder and a fresh perspective of the nation. Besides, the joyous mood during festivals is infectious.

The accommodation is as important a dimension of travel as other aspects, so choosing a great place to stay is an integral part of the trip. Fortunately, India offers many options, from heritage stays – old forts and palaces converted into hotels – to luxury campsites, starred hotels, basic lodges, coffee plantations, treehouses in the middle of tea plantations, and even houseboats. You can stay in hotels with well-trained staff or experience the warm hospitality of homestays across the country.


A city which has been the seat of power of several empires for about a millennium. It has been destroyed and rebuilt many times, and interestingly, a number of its destroyers have also been its rulers. Delhi today is a potpourri of two distinct cultural lineages—Old Delhi and New Delhi. Juxtaposed against the immaculately planned New Delhi created by the British Raj, Old Delhi, which was once the capital of Islamic India, is a labyrinthine network of lanes and by lanes with crumbling havelis and formidable mosques.


Or Bombay is a vibrant and pulsating cosmopolitan that represents the face of modern India. A cluster of seven islands that was presented to King Charles II as dowry in 1661, Mumbai today has become the economic capital of the country with thriving markets and business houses. The coexistence of several different communities here reflects the multi-ethnic identity of this city that never sleeps. Although Mumbai mirrors changes brought about by liberalization and modernization, at its core it remains a city steeped in its culture and tradition.


A city that is referred to as the “Cultural Capital” or “Literary Capital” of India. The name Kolkata was derived from the Bengali word Kolikata, the name of one of the three villages that predated the arrival of the British in this area. The commercial, cultural, and educational center of East India, the place is known for its literary, artistic and revolutionary heritage. Under the British Raj, Kolkata served as the capital of India until 1911, when perceived geographical drawbacks and apparent political turmoil led to shifting of the capital to New Delhi.


A city that enjoys good weather almost throughout the year. Founded in 1537 by Kempe Gowda I, Bengaluru today has grown much beyond the mud fort and moat built in the 16th century. The city with its sprawling gardens, parks, lakes and perennial flowering trees has rightly earned the sobriquet of “Garden City”. Once a sleepy cantonment settlement during the time of the British Raj, the city’s burgeoning information technology sector and economy have transformed it into one of the fastest growing cities of India.

North India

From the mesmerizing beauty of Kashmir to the royal splendors of Rajasthan. From the most classic symbol of love, the Taj Mahal, to the holiest river of all, the Ganges. From the soaring Himalayas of Ladakh to the beautiful villages of Uttarakhand, North India is truly is a treasure trove of endless nature, authentic cultural immersions, and a collection of experiences filled with tranquility.

Western India

From the hippie Goa to the colorful, vibrant, and rustic Gujarat, visiting the Western region of India will take you to a worthy spot at every corner. From the hustle life of the country’s financial capital, Mumbai, to the more relaxed travel through the union territory of Daman and Diu and Dadra and Nagar Haveli, every passing day of your vacation, you are bound to spend them in heaven!

Central India

A region that gives you a glimpse into the country’s magnificent wildlife, rich heritage, and architectural splendors whilst creating a colorful amalgamation of culture, cuisine, and tradition. From the prehistoric site of Bhimbetka to erotic Temples at Khajuraho, ancient sites at Orchha, and mesmerizing Buddhist sites at Sanchi, the finest of ancient civilization can be seen here. For wildlife enthusiasts, the tiger-rich forests of Pench, Bandhavgarh, and Kanha are the go-to places. The region also has a quaint and beautiful hilly town of Mandu, famous for its ruins and serenity. If you have an inclination towards spirituality, the contemplative towns of Maheshwar and Omkareshwar are a must-visit.

South India

Lush green spices, tea, and coffee plantations on the hills with different hues of blue sky shaping the sky fill your heart is what you get in South India. The grandeur of the Dravidian style of architectural marvels like the temples of Mahabalipuram, Palakkad, Hampi, and Chola Temple, among many others, is a sight to behold. South India is a treasure of peace, scenic views, nature’s ecstasy, and ancient India’s glory. Therefore, often travel to South India is said to be the the best travel destinations in India.

North East India

The Northeastern region of India offers an astonishingly diverse assortment of natural and cultural wonders. Varied climates and landscapes found throughout its reaches are spread along with Bhutan, Tibet, Myanmar, and Bangladesh. When you travel to Northeast India, there is so much to explore and experience. Here one can find around 220 different ethnic groups and many different dialects. The varying art, dance, religious practices, history, and architecture unfold an exciting way to reflect the diversity of this region. This land indeed is very different from the rest of India.

East India

Life in the eastern plains of India mainly revolves around the holy Ganges water and the mighty Brahmaputra, offering a different world in India. You can explore the beautiful and relatively untouched sites of eastern India, depicting culture and charm in their true form. Drenched with tea gardens, beautiful lush green hills, fascinating wildlife sanctuaries, vast Himalayan views, impressive temples, and Buddhist sites, Eastern India has many beautiful things to make your trip memorable.


About Indo Asia Tours

With longstanding experience and knowledge of destination management of the Indian subcontinent and neighbouring countries, Indo Asia Tours amalgamates the professionalism of large scale operations, while keeping the intimacy of a boutique travel firm.

Lalit Atrish

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Did you know this fact?

Bhutan, renowned for its unique Gross National Happiness index, is also the world’s only carbon-negative country, absorbing more carbon dioxide than it emits. This achievement is attributed to its vast forest cover, commitment to sustainability, and focus on hydroelectric power. Bhutan’s holistic approach to development underscores its dedication to environmental conservation, setting a remarkable example for the world in the fight against climate change.

About Bhutan

Nestled amidst the majestic peaks of the Himalayas, Bhutan enchants travelers with its pristine landscapes, spiritual richness, and unwavering commitment to happiness. This landlocked kingdom, bordered by India and China, is a treasure trove of cultural heritage and natural wonders waiting to be explored amidst towering mountains, lush valleys, and ancient monasteries. Bhutan’s cultural tapestry is as vibrant as its mountain vistas, with Buddhism permeating every aspect of life. Monasteries, adorned with colorful prayer flags and intricate murals, cling to cliff edges, offering breathtaking views and spiritual solace. In the capital city of Thimphu, traditional dzongs stand as symbols of Bhutanese identity, blending seamlessly with modern development and sustainable practices. In the picturesque town of Paro, the iconic Tiger’s Nest Monastery perches precariously on a cliffside, inviting pilgrims and adventurers alike to embark on a journey of spiritual renewal and awe-inspiring vistas. Bhutan’s reverence for nature is evident in its commitment to environmental conservation, with over half of its land designated as protected areas, home to diverse flora and fauna, including the elusive snow leopard and majestic takin.
Venture beyond the beaten path, and Bhutan reveals its hidden treasures, from the tranquil valleys of Punakha to the pristine wilderness of Phobjikha. The ancient tradition of archery, woven into the fabric of Bhutanese culture, offers a glimpse into the country’s sporting heritage, while vibrant festivals, such as the Paro Tshechu, showcase age-old rituals and joyous celebrations. Bhutanese cuisine tantalizes the taste buds with its bold flavors and unique ingredients, from fiery chili cheese to hearty dumplings known as momos. Savor the essence of Bhutanese hospitality with a traditional hot stone bath, believed to rejuvenate the body and spirit, or immerse yourself in the rhythm of rural life during a homestay with a Bhutanese family. In Bhutan, happiness is not just a pursuit but a way of life, enshrined in the country’s guiding philosophy of Gross National Happiness. Whether trekking through pristine forests, meditating in ancient monasteries, or simply marveling at the beauty of the natural world, travelers are embraced by a sense of serenity and authenticity that is uniquely Bhutanese, leaving an indelible mark on the soul.


Bright city by excellence, bettter known as “Algiers the white”. Algiers bordered by the Mediterranean Sea, and has one of the biggest ports in Africa. It can be visited in two distinct areas: the modern and the older part. Among its highlights, we can find: The Kasbah (classified in the World Heritage of UNESCO), the Palaces of Dar Aziza and Jenina, The Jardin d’Essai (the largest botanical garden in Africa), The Basilica of Algiers: Our Lady of Africa, The National Museum of Fine Arts. And many other picturesque monuments.


Tipaza is an open-air museum. A scenic coastal city located only 70km from Algiers. Its landscape with Hellenic charm is reminiscent of Greece and Sicily. Tipaza was a Roman city in the Roman province of Caesarian Mauritania. It has many remains of the ancient Punic and Roman city, listed as World Heritage by UNESCO. With its archaeological treasures and varied landscapes, it is a tourist city between the sea and the mountains.


Also known as “The Radiant” is the second largest city in Algeria, about 430 km from the capital Algiers. Oran is a cosmopolitan city with an Arab, Berber, Spanish and French influences, giving it a significant character and a natural charm.


The site of Djemila is located 50 km northeast of the city of Setif. Djemila (from Arabic: جميلة, “The Beautiful”) is an ancient city that houses the remains of the ancient Cuicul, a Roman city, classified as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. Djémila provides an exceptional testimony of a disappeared civilization. It is one of the most beautiful sites of Roman ruins in the world. The archaeological remains, the well-integrated Roman urban planning and the environmental framework come harmoniously together.


Known as the city of suspension bridges and taking its name from the Emperor Constantine I who had it built in the 4th century, Constantine is the capital of the eastern region of the country. The city is also the cradle of the Arab-Andalusian music called Malouf. Tourists can visit the Kasbah, the Emir Abd-El-Kader Mosque, the Monument of the Dead or the Natural Arch of Constantine. Other sites such as the Bridge of El-Kantara, the National Museum Cirta, the Palace of the Bey or the Gustave Mercier Museum will also attract visitors.


Located in the northern part of the Algerian Sahara, 600 km south of Algiers, it is the capital of the Mzab valley, which is made up of a group of five ksours, known as “The Pentapolis”. The city counts with an ancestral system of irrigation on pivot, developed by the Mozabites to irrigate the long and narrow valley. It is considered as World Heritage of Site by the UNESCO. It is a tourist site of major importance in Algeria because of its architecture and history. The city includes an important Mozabite community.


Classified as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1982, the site of Timgad will delight all history lovers. Timgad, a city in the northeast of Algeria, is home to this ancient Roman city of great archaeological importance that was originally intended to serve as a post against the Berbers of the Aures. Built with its baths, its temples, its forum as well as its amphitheater, the city is considered as the last Roman colony in Africa.


Timimoun is the most representative oasis of Gourara, a region rich in colors and contrasts, located south of the Grand Erg Occidental. Timimoun was built above the palm grove, in the heart of the sunny dunes of the Algerian desert. In the heart of history, one can explore the ksours drowned in an ocean of dunes, after having strolled in the bewitching gardens of the oases of the great Sahara. Discover on foot the magnificent oases of Tilermine, Timzlene and Beni Aissi.

The Balconies of Ghoufi

The Balconies or Gorges of Ghoufi in the Aures are located in the region of M’chouneche and T’kout between Arris and Biskra. The Balconies of Ghoufi is a canyon which was dug by the river Abiod and extends four kilometers along the river. The site was classified as a National Heritage Site by UNESCO.

Tassili of the Hoggar

To the east of Tamanrasset rises at an altitude of more than 2,000 meters an eroded plateau of 250 kilometers in diameter composed of lava flows, the Atakor of Hoggar. According to specialists, the Hoggar mountains are more than 2 million years old. Its highest peak, Mount Tahat, reaches 3,003 meters. The most visited and best known place of the site is called Assekrem, residence of Father Charles de Foucauld during the summer of 1905.

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