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About Malta Uncut

Malta Uncut is a Domestic Management Company and the creation of Lisa Urpani and Edward Frendo Jones ‐ a multilingual team with over 25 years’ experience in travel & events management and a vision to do things differently.

Lisa Urpani

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Did you know this fact?

Ever heard of Malta’s famous “silent city”? That’s right, the fortified town of Mdina is so quiet you can almost hear a pin drop! With its narrow streets, ancient walls, and mysterious atmosphere, it’s like stepping into a medieval fairytale. Just watch out for the occasional ghostly apparition – after all, every castle needs a few resident spirits!

About Malta

So Malta is an island…at least geographically‐speaking…but behaves very differently to many others of its kind. Firstly, it is not a seasonal island: it ‘works’ all the year round which means that any period is a good one to visit! A former colony of the UK, it has been independent for just over 50 years and part of the EU (the smallest country) for just over 10, but what makes Malta stand out most is the contrasting scenery that one gets to see in such a small space (just 316 sq km) which makes for creating a unique event.

Being so small means that the programmes are more diverse with little time wastage as transfers are short. In just a few days you can experience a gamut of emotions having the deep blue sea, imposing cliffs, Palaces in Medieval Mdina, Fortifications in Majestic Valletta and picturesque Gozo as the background to your event.

It truly feels like being transported from one age to another and this is largely what contributes to the element of surprise…coupled with sunshine and traditional Mediterranean cuisine… what’s not to love?
When people hear about Malta many do not know what to imagine or expect – (Is it part of Italy? Why do they speak English? Are they independent?)… People usually know that the Knights of the Order of St. John are linked to Malta but not quite sure how. They may have heard that Napoleon was in Malta for a while, that St. Paul the Apostle was shipwrecked here, maybe even that the Phoenicians, the Romans, the Moors, amongst others had settled here, but no one is really sure what the attraction to this island was…. So why visit Malta?

Well – Malta primarily because it is strategically situated in the centre of the Mediterranean, at the crossroads between Europe and Africa; Malta because it is a naturally fortified island; Malta because the climate is mild; these were some of the reasons why many civilisations chose to settle in Malta. Today these factors are still valid reasons to visit, to which we can also add 7000 years of heritage, which is different and varied, a legacy left to us by all those who passed through the islands at some point and which today is quintessentially Maltese: this is what Malta is made of.


Also known as the Fortress City, Citta’ Umilissima and “a city built by gentlemen for gentlemen”, this UNESCO World Heritage site is one of the most concentrated historic areas in the world and a masterpiece of the Baroque.


Often referred to as the ‘Noble City’, Mdina is one of Europe’s finest examples of an ancient walled city and extraordinary in its mix of medieval and baroque architecture.

Grand Harbour

Malta’s majestic Grand Harbour is one of the most spectacular ports in the world and has been a hive of activity for over two thousand years, earning the name of ‘cradle of Maltese history’.


This city, situated on the sea, was the first home of the Knights when they arrived in 1530 and contains many important architectural riches. Its city centre is a labyrinth of colours and traditions, and show a slice of authentic life as well as a glimpse into Malta’s maritime fortunes.


Situated between Malta and Gozo, this tiny island is virtually uninhabited and is a paradise for snorkelers, divers, windsurfers and ramblers, with Blue Lagoon being its main attraction.


Steeped in myths and legends, Malta’s sister island is a tranquil haven with baroque churches and old stone farmhouses dotting the countryside, whilst its coast offers some of the Mediterranean’s best dive sites and amazing panoramas.


This colourful and quaint village situated on the sea is truly a feast for the senses and the place where you can see the decorative fishing boats, visit the vibrant fish market and enjoy a fish-based meal in one of the many restaurants that dot the waterfront.

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